Friday, March 8, 2013


He's a beefcake
Make no mistake
Young and single
Can't wait to mingle

Riding a wave
A date I craved
Wakeboarding in the summer sun
Our life together had just begun

We're married now
Can't believe somehow
We used to live life free and airy
But it's become Little House on the Prairie

Fields and hunting
Baby buntings
Minivans and soccer balls
No way I'd ever trade it all

Wrote this poem very (very) quickly for an 8th grade class today.  A bit cheesy, but kinda fun to play with rhyme.  I tend to avoid it, however I've decided I need to let myself experiment here - to play and make a mess of things sometimes.  

And while my poem may be a bit juvenile, my muse is just wonderful.


  1. A mess can sometimes create a great new idea. Happy "mess"-ing!

  2. I think your poem is sweet and I learned more about you and Kim. : ) Keep playing'!

  3. Pretty clever for a quick write in front of an eighth grade class! Have you shared it with your muse yet!

  4. I always appreciate when people take risks by posting writing they feel isn't their most polished. There is something really engaging about reading a piece that is raw, playful, a piece that is more about the process than the product. Not only does your (quick) poem communicate a clear message, reveal something about the poet, and play with rhyme, but the rhythm you used to make the rhyme work seems intuitive. I wonder if you were aware or intentional about the rhythm of syllables you used to make this (quick) poem work. And it certainly does work!

  5. This is precious! I hope your shared it with him.

  6. I think your muse has done you well. This is a wonderful rhyming poem. I love to rhyme, but I'm not good at it. Can't believe you did this in a hurry! I love the name of your blog, too. Make no mistake, you're a writer, Becca. Ruth got me started on OLW a couple of years ago. It goes well with my quirkiness.

  7. I like the sound of "baby buntings."

    Your image of living "Little House on the Prairie" is one that makes me smile.
